A highly sustainable food waste disposal service. Start saving money by reducing your environmental footprint!
Finally a cost-effective and environment-friendly solution to eliminate food waste in your business!
Sustainable food waste management is an ongoing issue throughout the world. In many cases, food waste is sent straight to landfill, where it decomposes and creates harmful greenhouse gases. The practice of disposing of organic waste to landfill also robs our soil of an opportunity to be enriched by the nutrients contained in organic waste. The innovative Pulpmaster system effortlessly transforms food waste into recyclable pulp that is then used to produce organic fertilizer. The Pulpmaster offers a simple, cost-effective way to save money and reduce your environmental footprint. The Pulpmaster is head-and-shoulders above other organic waste disposal systems that are often slow, use large amounts of energy, and don’t reprocess the organic waste into a usable product.
The Pulpmaster is compact and manufactured of stainless steel, making it easy to integrate into commercial kitchens of any kind to make food waste disposal safe, quick, and easy. This rapid, simple-to-implement food disposal system is available for both sides of the putrescible waste spectrum. For large enterprises dealing with significant levels of organic and kitchen waste, we offer the Pulpmaster 6000 unit, an enviro-smart waste management system that fits into any kitchen layout. For multiple outlets such as large shopping centers with various catering establishments, Pulpmaster offers the Hercules, a mobile garbage bin solution for shared use.
The Pulpmaster 6000